Iowa DNR
Iowa DNR
Water Quality Assessments
Impaired Waters List

2014 Assessment Summary - Category 5 - Water is impaired or threatened and a TMDL is needed

303(d) List of Impaired Waters

The State's Section 303(d) list of impaired waters. The waterbody is impaired and a total maximum daily load (TMDL) is needed.
Note: Mouse over (or click on a mobile device) the icon for descriptions of those field values. Additional information can be found in the reference codex.
Water is impaired or a declining water quality trend is evident, and a TMDL is needed.
Impairment is based on results of biological monitoring or a fish kill investigation where specific causes and/or sources of the impairment have not yet been identified.
Tentative biological impairments and old fish kill impairments.
Verified biological impairments and recent fish kill impairments.
Impairment is based on a presumptive designated use. A use attainability analysis (UAA) will be required to determine whether the presumptive use is, in fact, the appropriate designated use for the impaired waterbody.
Waterbody ADB Code Type Segment Overall Category Aquatic Life (Class B) Recreation
Primary Contact (Class A1)
Secondary Contact (Class A2)
Fish Consumption (Class HH) Drinking Water (Class C)